Flexible (Fiber) colonoscopes

How Much Does Fiber colonoscope Cost?
The Current Price Range Based on 20 Vendors on Bimedis. It’s Costs Starts Approximately at 181 and ends at the Highest Price 12769. The Average Price for Fiber colonoscope - 2628 based on 59 product listings in this category.

Colonoscopy equipment

Colonoscopy is the large intestine visual examination, and we are talking here about its lower parts because manipulations are carried out through the anus. The procedure allows diagnosing a number of diseases in an accurate way. To conduct such manipulations, special equipment is utilized. It helps examine those organs which cannot be visually examined or palpated.

Fiber colonoscope is a device used to carry out colonoscopy procedures. It is also called just a colonoscope or colon fiberscope. This is a flexible tube with the light source at the end. In addition, the device includes an air supply channel and a fiber optic cable. Using this cable, the entire examination procedure is visually monitored. The optical fiber passes the light necessary for large intestine walls examination. The image is transmitted to an eyepiece or directly to the video recording system.

How to choose a fiber colonoscope

To purchase medical equipment, you have to focus on the device functional component apart from its cost. For instance, specialized fiber colonoscopes are equipped with various surgical manipulators. They allow conducting tissue biopsies, performing polypectomy of any complexity (remove polyps), stopping bleeding, and removing foreign objects from the sigmoid and rectum.

Additionally, manufacturers offer fiber colonoscopes fitted with 1 or 2 tubes to introduce medication or pain relievers. The devices like these are indispensable during surgical intervention procedures.

To get the clearest image on different occasions, various colonoscopes are used possessing the following distinct parameters:

  •         viewing angle;

  •         length;

  •         tube diameter;

  •         depth resolution;

  • ·         possibility to mount different manipulators.

Modern fiber colonoscopes

Colonoscopy equipment is constantly improved and modernized. As of today, you can find a wide range of models including self-guided and self-propelled video colonoscopes.They can independently move in the intestine bends. It is also possible to find devices with two air chambers. Such chambers are inflated and create an impenetrable space. This feature helps conduct therapeutic manipulations and stop bleeding.

Depending on the package contents, fiber colonoscopes are supplied with the following instruments:

  •        biopsy forceps;

  •        polypectomy loops;

  •        catheters;

  •        sprayers.

Where to buy fiber colonoscopes at affordable prices

You can buy high-quality and inexpensive colonoscopy equipment using our international platform for medical equipment ads BiMedis. The range of medical devices is constantly supplemented with new and used equipment. Besides, our website unites both buyers and sellers from all over the world.

Our advertisement board will facilitate your contacts with suppliers from anywhere in the world. On the BiMedis website pages, you will find used systems with all necessary documents and warranty, as well as new equipment directly from medical equipment manufacturers.